School of Education
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
St. Augustine
ph: 868-477-1500
Rubric for Written Proposal
A+/A 60-51
This is a very comprehensive and well-written proposal with all sections including an explicit theory of action and documentation of all meetings. The candidate consistently shows deep insight into the nature and protocols of action research fully demonstrating the importance of the cyclical and reflective process leading to collaborative action. There is substantial documentation and evidence that the issue was collaboratively created within a PCL at the writers’ school and that the issue identified was appropriately led and evidenced informed. There was substantial evidence that the process was well organized and followed closely the action research cycle. There was evidence that participants consulted the literature and that all proposed or selected strategies were fully evidence informed. The methodology was very appropriate and demonstrated unique insight into methods and approaches. Findings were fully consistent with the literature.
B+ 50-40
This is a well-written proposal with all sections including an explicit theory of action. The candidate consistently shows insight into action research and fully demonstrated the importance of the cyclical and reflective process leading to collaborative action. There is some documentation and evidence that the issue was collaboratively created, appropriately lead, and evidenced informed. There was evidence that the process was organized and followed closely the action research cycle. The methodology was appropriate and demonstrated insight into methods and approaches. Findings are consistent with the literature.
B 39-30
This proposal includes most, but not all sections. The candidate shows some insight into action research but the cyclical and reflective process is not always evident. There is limited documentation and evidence that the issue was collaboratively created, appropriately lead, and evidenced informed. The process was not always well organized and did not follow closely the action research cycle. The methodology was appropriate but limited. Findings were inconsistent with the literature.
C 29-0 This proposal has missing sections. The candidate has limited insight into action research and the cyclical and reflective process. There is very limited documentation and evidence that the issue was collaboratively created, appropriately lead, and evidenced informed. The process was poorly organized and did not follow closely the action research cycle. The methodology was inappropriate or limited. Findings were absent or inconsistent with the literature. |
Rubric for Oral Presentation
Criteria | Beginning | Progressing | Proficient | Advanced |
| 0-1 | 2-3 | 4-5 | 6 |
Eye Contact & Body Language | No eye contact. Little appropriate gestures | Minimal eye contact and use of descriptive gestures | Adequate and appropriate eye contact and use of both descriptive and empathic gestures. | Consistent, adequate and appropriate eye contact with both descriptive and emphatic gestures that help dramatize the presentation |
Poise & Enthusiasm | Student appears disinterested or is overly tense and nervous. | Student displays some tension and finds difficulty recovering from mistakes. | Students makes minor mistakes but easily recovers and demonstrates little tension if any. | Student appears relaxed and confident and makes no major mistake. |
Elocution & Voice | Student mumbles or is incoherent. Language is confusing and ineffective | Student lacks volume and pronunciation is poor. Language is sometimes vague or inappropriate. | Student’s voice is loud with consistently good pronunciation. Language is appropriate. | Students’ voice is outstandingly clear with no pronunciation issues. Language is memorable. |
Content/Subject Knowledge | Student does not grasp topic fully. | Student demonstrates some knowledge of the topic some important inaccuracies. | The student demonstrates accurate knowledge and only minor inaccuracies. Supporting material is relevant. Some citations are used. | The student demonstrates thorough and accurate knowledge of the subject matter with no inaccuracies. Citations are introduced and used adequately. Supportive material very relevant. |
Coherence, Organization & Complexity of Discourse | Information lacks sequence without clear introduction and conclusion. Many unfocused ideas. Presentation lacks logic. | Main idea is evident although organizational structure may be strengthened. Flow and transitions are awkward and conclusion lacks impact. | Easily observable structure with consistent flow and effective transitions. Introduction and conclusion have impact. Ideas are presented logically. | All ideas are organized and developed with outstanding flow and very effective transitions. Unique and impactful introductions and transitions. Ideas are always logically and coherently presented. |
| 0-3 | 4-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
Quality of Question and Answer | Questions are either not answered or answered ineffectively. | Answers to questions are over simplistic, sometimes unclear or occasionally ineffective. | Answers to questions are answered clearly and effectively | Answers to questions are very specific and detailed and always relevant and appropriate. Speaker responds to tone and content of audience. |
Copyright 2009 All rights reserved.
School of Education
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
St. Augustine
ph: 868-477-1500